By installing and using this technology platform "application", the user declares that he has read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions of use.
The Paradise Village Beach, Resort & Spa® hotel operator, reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions, as well as any service policy at any time and by its sole discretion. Therefore, it is the user's obligation to review all of these terms and conditions.
1. Charge for data usage. You are responsible for obtaining access to the data network "internet" for the use of the application. The user is responsible for the payment of all costs and / or expenses incurred for the use of their data transmission network (internet) and, if applicable, the cost of “roaming” of their mobile operator.
2. Protection of Personal Data. Your personal data will be used in accordance with the notice of privacy practice of Conjunto Desarrollo Marina Mar, S.A. of C.V., which is necessary to make the corresponding charges to your room account for the goods and / or services requested. To consult our notice of privacy practice click here.
3. User Account. When you check in at the Paradise Village Beach, Resort & Spa® hotel, you will be assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that will be sent to the registered email account with which you´ll be able to access the services of the application.
The user is responsible for all the activity he performs in its User account.
4. Intellectual property. Paradise Village, Beach, Resort & Spa® is a registered trademark of Conjunto Desarrollo Marina Mar, S.A. of C.V. Derived from the use of this application, no right and / or authorization is granted nor conferred to the user neither to any third party for the use and / or commercial exploitation of the commercial brand.
5. Charge for goods and / or services requested. The User understands and accepts that through the use of the application the User will be able to request certain goods and / or services that may result in charges to be made to their room according to the price of the good and / or service requested listed in price list, prices may vary at any time by the hotel operator, the user is obliged to pay for any goods and / or services requested through the application before checking out of the Paradise Village Beach, Resort & Spa®.
6. Liability. The user of the application is sole, individual and voluntary liable for the use of the application and its storage in any electronic device as well as any direct or indirect consequence that the application may cause in the device where it is stored and used by the user. Under no circumstances Paradise Village Beach, Resort & Spa® and / or its operator shall be held liable for any damage to the electronic device where the application is installed and / or used, nor for any damage, alteration and / neither loss of any operating system, software and information loaded and stored in any electronic device where the application is installed and / or used; reason why the user in this act releases Paradise Village Beach Resort & Spa, its operator, affiliated companies as well as companies related to the ownership and exploitation rights of the platform and software, if any, on which the application operates, of any liability and expressly waives the exercise of judicial and extrajudicial legal actions against Paradise Village Beach Resort & Spa® and said companies.
7. Governing Law & Jurisdiction. Any dispute arising from the use of the application shall be subject to the legislation in force in the Mexican Republic and shall be settled before the competent courts in the City of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.